
Long-term education debt reached its highest levels on record in 2020, the most recent data sample available, reaching $505 billion. That’s highlighted in Reason Foundation’s recent K-12 Education Spending Spotlight, which leans on U.S. Census Bureau data to show long-term debt has reached its highest level since the organization began releasing the report in 2002.
S&P Global Ratings Friday revised its outlook to positive from stable on New Jersey general obligation bonds. The rating agency highlighted the state government’s recent payments to its underfunded state pension system. “The outlook revision follows the second consecutive year the state has budgeted the full annual actuarially determined contribution to its retirement systems,” S&P
A deluge of ratepayer-backed utility debt in the wake of 2021’s Winter Storm Uri continues with a Kansas regulator approving the state’s first securitization deal. The Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC) on Thursday unanimously passed an irrevocable financing order allowing Kansas Gas Service to issue securitized bonds to recover $328 million in costs incurred during the
Municipals sold off Wednesday with the largest losses up front, pushing the one-year triple-A yield well above 2%, the first time since March 2020. U.S. Treasuries were weaker and equities ended down. U.S. Treasuries started the day with large losses after higher inflation numbers out of Europe led to volatility early on but they pared
Short-end munis extended their days long selloff, continuing to play catch up to short-end U.S. Treasuries, as triple-A munis correct from recent outperformance relative to taxables. USTs were firmer, while equities were up near the close. Triple-A benchmarks rose 11 to 15 basis points on the one-year and three to eight basis points in two
California lawmakers’ focus on one-time spending in the budget approved July 1 keeps the state on track for a potential rating upgrade one year out from receiving a positive outlook from S&P, but challenges remain. The state’s fiscal 2023 adopted budget “projects long-term structural balance through fiscal 2026, despite a projected multibillion dollar rise and
Short-end munis sold off Friday as pressure from two-year U.S. Treasury yields as well as rising floating-rate muni yields have begun to hit the triple-A yield curves. Treasuries were better five years and out while equities rallied to close out the week. Triple-A curves saw yields rise by as much as eight to 10 basis
The U.S. House of Representatives Friday sent President Joe Biden a long-debated climate, tax and healthcare bill. The legislation passed with a vote of 220 to 207 along party lines. Biden’s signature will mark the final chapter for an 18-month-long saga marked by intense negotiations among Democrats, who used a parliamentary procedure called reconciliation to